I watched the Ted Lasso finale
If you haven’t watched it yet - STOP READING, SPOILER ALERT.
Ted goes home to his family in Kansas. After three years away, he prioritizes being with his son over The Fame and Glory of coaching a top British Football Club. The money - he would have been one of the highest paid coaches in the league. The relationships with amazing and famous people. The excitement.
On the plane, before take-off he asks, ‘are we crazy?’ referring to walking away from it all. He’s still thinking about his decision, even after the plane doors have been shut. But he didn’t get off (like Beard did) - he stayed true to his decision and told Beard to follow his heart too.
It made me think about putting your kids first. Following your heart.
Ted stepped away from his son for almost 3 years (his son did visit) and did his own inner work. He worked with Dr. Sharon Fieldstone, the team’s sport psychologist, processed the grief that he had pent up since his father’s suicide and learned how to express his wants and needs too.
That inner work will probably lead to a rekindling with his ex-wife. (I have high hopes that they’ll get back together.)
I was initially thinking that the most important thing for Ted, was his son knowing how much he loved him. But after writing this email, I realized that the most important thing to Ted is that he gets to spend his life with his son. He followed his own heart.
It's not in the destination or the winning but in our own journey. We are on our own journey anc can choose our direction, moment by moment (although often it doesn't seem that way).
This may sound woo woo … but when I do my inner child breathwork and see the younger Bethany with her three young kids, I remind her to enjoy the journey and to follow her heart. To give herself grace. To be in the moment with her kids for herself, even more than for her kids
Maybe this sounds selfish, but it’s about your heart.
My heart is the one that I am doing the inner work on, reminding myself
At the end of your life, what are you really going to look back on and judge if your life had meaning besides the memories of the interactions with the people you love? Especially your kids.
Ted was a good reminder to prioritize being with your kids for you.
The connections. Science has proved this. Better group of friends, the longer you live.
You are on this planet to feel good. The more you feel good, the more you'll feel good. We are the accumulation of our thoughts and 98% of the thoughts you have today you had yesterday…and will have tomorrow.
So get your thoughts in alignment with who you want to be.
Close your eyes and ask yourself that question. How do you want to show up? What's important to you. Who are you?
I promise if you close your eyes and ask yourself these questions, you'll get an answer. That's your subconscious talking. That's the place most of your daily actions are coming from. It's good to know what they are thinking so you can do something about it if you don't like where they are taking you.
I've been doing inner work for years now but the most profound practice that I found last year was breathwork. After 10+ years of meditation and daily 3 page journalling, which all helped clear a lot of muck, I tried breathwork. My entire body was buzzing. I was vibrating.
I finally understood with my whole being that I am a body of vibrations. The vibrations are the energy we put out, our wavelength, like a radio. (I had heard this from Ester Hicks as she channeled Abraham in Orlando Florida with my sister in 2006??? )
For years I had heard the quote by Einstein that 'We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.' Albert Einstein