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The Birthday Interview

Our children are our most precious gift. 

We’re excited from the moment we know that we are pregnant until the birth of our child. Then, we are enveloped with a love that we didn’t know existed. 


We learn to parent, to mother and love our child with all our heart – often putting their needs before our own. Day by day, moment by moment, heartbeat by heartbeat they grow, they evolve and before you know it, they are out of your house. They have flown from your nest to live their life.


It happens in the blink of an eye.


And what are you left with? 

Thousands of digital pics and some artwork projects… and the promise to visit.


You look forward to seeing them, but that daily interaction is gone.


What if you could capture those special moments along the way and have them at your fingertips, to remind you of that love. Of that special person that came from you.


Introducing ‘The Birthday Interview’ Project. The book that shows you step-by-step how to interview and film their answers, what questions to ask and why, how to organize and store them. Coming in 2023.


You interview your child annually. The interview process itself is a joy because you have a real insight into what they are thinking, feeling, being.


While we are parenting, we are  so into the daily routines that it’s hard to step back while it is happening to see the progress that your child has made over the last year, few years or even from 2 years to 18 years. 


These interviews become a digital hope chest, a gift to your child so they have clear documentation of who they are at their core. A person’s true inner star is clear when they are young, before society and family tell them what they are supposed to do and be. It’s a reference to check back and remember who they dreamed of being and help them live an authentic life.


You don’t have to wait for the book to be released, you can get started today.

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